CLIL Methodology

ISI Dublin’s CLIL programme combines an English language course with additional specialised electives in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), aimed at non-native teachers.

English for the Educational Workplace

English for the Workplace

Combining General English and language for the workplace, this intensive professional training course allows participants to manage day-to-day workplace interactions requiring English language skills  with more confidence, fluency and accuracy.

Continuous Development

The course is designed for participants to develop and consolidate their own language skills and strives to focus on aspects of teaching, communication, awareness of current trends of assessment, technology.

Intensive General English

Intensive General English

This Intensive General English course gives participants the opportunity to develop their language skills as well as their grammar and vocabulary with intensive immersion in very dynamic international classes.

Language and Irish Literature

Irish Culture, History and Literature

This course is for teachers who wish to expand their knowledge of both Irish life and culture and contemporary English as it is used in Ireland. The course also aims at increasing participants’ appreciation of different teaching techniques.